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Starseed Initiative Courses:


This course is a beginner to Intermediate chess class teaching the basic fundamentals of chess, beginning game theory / openings, and game study to mid game tactics, endgame strategy and drills. Students will have a 30 minute lesson followed by coached games with classmates. 

Maps, Geography, Media and Information

This is a course in understanding the world we live in, how to navigate, various accepted as well as less popular world models, real life experiments and evaluations of mainstream narratives. Students will also learn to investigate and navigate through information using critical thinking skills. 


Chicken Scratch, Storyboarding, and Movie Making

This course is an immersion in drawing in phases using the chicken scratch technique. Students will learn draw from initial concept to color, and have the opportunity to draw characters, cartoons, people, nature and animals beginning with pencil lines and circles. Students will keep a workbook of their art throughout the course. Children will create storyboards that will be made into short films, narratives, or stop motion scenes. Children will also learn character, character development, personality, dialogue, text, and subtext, story development, the heroes journey, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, improvisation and more. Children will create a puppet theater and use dialogue, script, and improvisation with characters. Children will also have the opportunity to use themselves in theater games, short dialogues, etc…


Luminaries Mysterium 

This course is an immersion in the natural world around us. Children will learn about the astrological signs, their archetypes, the sun, moon and luminaries outside of the western school of thought. Students will be shown various models of our universe and use critical thinking skills to develop a better understanding of our world by using direct experience. Students will draw maps of the world, constellations, and build various earth models based upon observation. 


Plant Growing

this course is a hands on experience of plants and how to care for them. Children will learn about various varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, where they come from, environmental conditions best suited for their growth, as well as the planting and care for these varieties. Outdoor growing, soil treatment, watering, partial and full greenhouses, cultivating and harvesting of plants, vegetables, herbs and fruits are all part of this course. 



Starchitects is a 'Makerspace' course in Art, Architecture and Engineering. This theme is a hands on maker where children will build various artistic structures, model homes, practical and useful art, projects, using various materials and clean recycled goods. Children will  learn about cobb, architectural design, bonding materials, and creative creation throughout the course. The course will give students a variety of ways to use various mediums such as paint and canvas, recycled materials and supplies, paper, clay, and more to create real world useful and practical applications, structures, models, and art.


Music, Rhythm, and Sound

This course immerses children into the world of sound. Children will learn about western music notation and world music improvisation, as well as sound creation, hands on playing, drumming, piano, wind, strings, and voice. Students will get to explore various ways to engage in sound as well as ensemble playing of instruments. This is a traditional ensemble experience as well as experimental with an understanding of genre, music terms, and hands on playing of instruments. 


Conscious Technology

This course shows children the various ways technology can be used creatively and practically. Solar, battery, electricity, model building, computer science, coding and robotics, engineering, and creating sustainable energy and storage and automation are all explored within this course. This course is a very mindful way, understanding the pro’s and con’s, and reflecting on the importance of using and understanding technology within our physical world and in harmony with nature. 


Life Skills

This category of educational material teaches immerses students in functional learning that bring subjects within survival and life skill activities; homesteading, holistic nutrition, fermentation, cooking, solar oven creation, safety and first aid, geography, natural law vs government law, coding, sewing, marketing and more. 

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